Clothing and Ominicare for Thermoregulation

COM:FORT Lab focuses on the relationship between clothing, thermal environments, and health. We explore the interactions in Human-Clothing-Thermal environment system and apply the finding to our daily life to improve human health. We study the basic theories of thermal physiology, exercise physiology and occupational physiology; and apply them to the field of environmental ergonomics. The COM:FORT Lab has used studies involving both an actual human subject and a thermal manikin inside a climatic chamber for learning and research.

  • ¡¤ Wear behavior and indoor energy conservation
  • ¡¤ Heat/cold acclimatization to climate change
  • ¡¤ Comparison between tropical and temperate indigenes
  • ¡¤ Thermal adaptation in Arctic/Antarctic environments
  • ¡¤ Thermal acclimation and wear training
  • ¡¤ Korean women divers (Hae-Nyo) and cold adaptation
  • ¡¤ Thermal adaptation and ageing
  • ¡¤ Heat diseases and agricultural workers
  • ¡¤ Thermal adaptation and seasonal change
  • ¡¤ Cutaneous thermal sensitivity and cold/warm spots
  • ¡¤ Seasonal changes in skin temperatures

  • Thermal acclimation
    / acclimatization

  • ¡¤ Cooling garments for workers in extreme heat
  • ¡¤ Heating garments for workers in extreme cold
  • ¡¤ Liquid cooling and warming garments for astronauts
      and cosmonauts
  • ¡¤ PPE for agricultural workers and fishermen
  • ¡¤ PPE for firefighters
  • ¡¤ PPE for Nuclear power plant workers
  • ¡¤ PPE for military soldiers
  • ¡¤ PPE for air-force pilot

  • Personal Protective
    Equipment (PPE)

    Sleeping and bathing

  • ¡¤ Floor heating system (Ondol) and thermoregualtion
  • ¡¤ Circadian rhythm in body temperature
  • ¡¤ Comfort sleeping thermal environment
  • ¡¤ Preference of sleeping environment
  • ¡¤ Quality of sleeping and bedding
  • ¡¤ Bathing and thermoregulation
  • ¡¤ Lower body bathing and sweating
  • ¡¤ Sauna and bathing

    Sport Wear

  • ¡¤ Cold protective clothing for winter sports
  • ¡¤ Soccer wear and control of sweating
  • ¡¤ Sportswear and the disabled